The summer has flown by so unbelievably quickly, I can't believe we're getting ready to be done for the season! We have accomplished a lot in our short spurts out there, and we have a life time to finish I guess. I enjoyed this summer so much, and feel so incredibly blessed to have this beautiful place to retreat to. We got the floor stained, hung the cupboards, installed the wood stove, did the electrical, hung some of the wall boards, got all the furniture out there and set up, went through too much propane as we figured out our fridge, put together Adirondack chairs, found a giant table and built benches for it, cleaned up lots of mess, built a work shop, bought more tools, started a playhouse and I don't know what else. Fall is not officially here, but it sure feels like it. The leaves are yellow and crunchy as we walk to school, and I have not been thinking about making sure I make it to the meat store before it closes and we have no good steaks for the weekend at the cabin.
I have not posted since August Long, so here's an update; the weekend after we had Keira and Trevor out for the weekend, without child (theirs, anyway, our stinkers were underfoot). It was great to see them, we sure miss them now that they're out in Alberta, at least the beauty of the lakes will draw them back, if nothing else!

The following weekend we had the most people out ever! The cabin actually housed six adults and five children for the weekend. It was so much fun, we have been making the best friends lately and it's so nice to have this place to go to and just hang out.
Let's see, the two weekends following it was just us out there. Niall's parents came out for a bit September Long to see the progress made and had some lunch. We also got to spend time with our neighbours, the Renders, who ventured across the stormy waters with their 9 day old baby to get some peace and quiet!
We really have got so much done this summer, everything we wanted to really. The roof still needs insulation, which I really want no part of, but might be a fall project. It's supposed to be a nice weekend, so we're heading out later in the week, which reminds me, I have to run to the store for a few things...:)
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