Monday, August 4, 2008

Week Long Adventures

We spent our first whole week at the cabin and just got back yesterday. The weather was not overly great for sitting outside, which was probably best since I would not have otherwise got any work done. But work we did, my fingers seem permanently stained from the floor stain, but I think I'm done with that job now. Niall worked hard at putting up interior walls and so we have a bit of privacy now (and we can send the girls to their room when they're naughty:)

The girls came out with us for the August long weekend as well as Niall's brother John and his soon to be wife Natalie. Or Nanty Nanalie if you speak like Ellie. Here are some recent pictures to show what we've been up to.

I made a life sized human chess board on the floor, thought it needed a little something

The girls like sharing their room at the cabin. I made the quilt on Lauren's bed (on the left), Ellie's is still not quite finished.

We have a guest room! Check out the Peanuts sheets on the top bunk, courtesy of Niall's childhood!


Marla said...

Wow! That looks amazing. Did you have all that furniture out there? Or bit by bit bring it across?

Sara said...

Thanks for the update!!! Finally! Can't wait to help out with some of the work!

Jenny said...

Every boat trip has been a bit of an adventure...usually involving me teetering precariously on top of a dresser or something as we go bouncing over the waves! Bit by bit...we're almost done that though:)

CaptainChief said...

Hi! I didn't even know you even had a blog about your place. You should have told us! Cute kids you have!

Jeff Madden