There is not much in terms of exciting photos for this post, just a bit of late night commentary since I've been reminded many times lately that there's been no update. It was a long hurry up and wait kind of winter, with the ice road taking ages to get to the stage where it was supposed to be ready, and then when it was finally plowed, it was too cold and stormy to work. So during the small window of time when the ice was safe and it was not minus eight million degrees, there was some work being done. But not many photographs being taken. Apparently, (so we've been told) the contractor's job is done, except for maybe 6 hours of work that may or may not have been completed in the last couple of days. The road had to be plowed many times since it kept blowing over, and that's when you get those unexpected costs creeping up...oh the life of an island dweller. Niall did make it out one weekend after borrowing my dad's truck and he and his brother, dad and brother's girlfriend made the trek out to deliver some furniture. These are the pictures taken from that weekend, with hopefully some more exciting news in the coming months (if spring ever actually comes).